How We Can Help

Colin Hegarty and Brian Arnold are two Maths teachers working in London schools. They have taught several of their maths classes using the flipped learning/blended learning model. This model involves getting students to watch and engage with tailored videos prior to the lesson in school and then, when in class, the students do maths for the entire lesson with virtually no teacher instruction to the class as a whole. You can use our videos to try the flipped learning model or you can contact us for tips and advice on how to do this for yourselves.

One of the benefits we have experienced from the making of the videos for our classes, is that students from around the country have also used these videos for their independent maths study and revision for their maths exams. The videos have proved very popular with students and other teachers alike as can be seen on our Testimonials page.

Colin Hegarty giving an introduction to the flipped learning model.


Over time we will upload our lesson files for teachers who may wish to use them as resources in their lessons.

Flipped Learning

For a more detailed introduction to flipped/blended learning see the following excellent work of some other fantastic educators and teachers: