"Making a difference"
Hey there HegartyMaths, I'm a 15 year old (year 11) who loves your videos, and all my life I've had a passion for physics. Great, right? My problem was that I was predicted a low C in GCSE maths...yet I aspire to study Quantum Physics or Astrophysics at university!? My trouble is that for some reason I don't pick up mathematical concepts as easily as others but you have helped me with this. New year 2012 I made a resolution to spend one hour every single day, *even on christmas day* watching either a couple of your videos or physics videos on YouTube, and now a year and a half later my school has asked me to do the As level physics exam a year early, even though i'm supposed to just be scratching a C in the GCSE maths exam tomorrow! So just to let you know, what you're doing IS making a difference, and thank you, because as much as I love maths I wouldn't be anywhere near the level I am today without your channel! :D
"Deserve recognition"
Hi, I just want to take time to thank you soooo much for all the work you have put into making all these videos!! You have literally saved my life and my maths GCSE!! I'm predicted a B but really want an A, and with your help, I think getting the A is extremely realistic!!! I just can't thank you enough!! More people should know about you because you deserve so much more recognition!! Thank you thank you thank you!! I also recommended you to all my friends, and they love all your vids!! They should just play your videos in the class room! When i'm revising, its like having my own personal revision teacher, sitting with me and helping me to revise!!! You also prompt a lot to make revision cards, which I love!! AND you're not boring to watch or listen to, which is surprising as maths, to me, is sooooo boring!!!! Haha thank you sooooo much Mr Hegarty!!! :D
"Much better at maths"
I am currently going into Year 11 and i am a foreign student. I never found myself not good at maths but in all honesty my teacher couldn't explain himself very well and as we are going for early entry exams in November 2013, we increased the pace we are going at in order to finish Unit C. I found myself in a struggle as my aspiration is to become a Software Engineer and study at a great university such as Imperial College London. All my other grades were not of any concern - Computing (A-A*) - Science *Awaiting Biology Results (A or possibly A* depending on Biology) but then i always found myself at Maths to work at C and sometimes B grade. After watching your excellent videos, i have felt that i can implement all that knowledge onto homework and past papers. I find myself much better at Maths and i intend to study Maths at A-Level and depending on how well my GCSE Maths goes the who knows, perhaps Further Maths at A-Level. After my results shall be published in January for my Maths, i almost certain that i will have a reason to donate. Thank you ever so much. I look forward to use your videos at A-Level.
"Gave me confidence!"
I would just like to say thank you so much for uploading such brilliant videos as I was in desperate need of help during my gcse higher maths revision. Until I found videos, I was useless at maths because (although I had a good teacher) I couldn't concentrate well in a classroom full of distractions. But I'm so glad I found your videos - I just wish I found them sooner because you have taught me maths in a clear and understandable way. I have finished both maths exams now and when I think back at the questions, I always say that if I hadn't have watched your videos, I wouldn't have been able to answer most of them. I felt that I needed to thank you as you have taught me maths again which I appreciate a lot and that your pupils are lucky to have such a dedicated and supportive teacher. I will make sure to spread the word about your channel and hopefully give other people the confidence that you gave me! Thank you Mr H.
Thank you soo much the unit 3 was very helpful ur such a genius im sorry i ment unit 2 march not 3 but its still ok thank you again LOve your videos... Take Care .... xxxx Its so nice to have people in the world like you ... God bless you i wish there was a way of thanking you
"Videos really help"
Hi Mr Hegarty just wanted to really thank you for helping my brother through his upcoming AQA GCSE in unit 3 Geometry. Your videos really help him thanks so much. Thanks for the service - I want you as my math teacher!
"Amazing teaching methods"
Thank you so damn much, you've the amazing teaching methods EVER!, srsly. You r saving my life. keep doing what ur doing and best luck frm me :D
Well done mate, great help and an amazing inspiration, great role model
Dear Hegartymaths, Thankyou! I had my unit 3 maths exam this morning, and in the last few days, I have been using your videos to learn and revise. Thankyou so much! all you videos are concise and fantastic, there where so many things which came up in the exam which i wouldnt have known how to do without your help, such as using k as a constant in the formation of an equasion of directly proportional values. Again thanks so much!
George, Poole Grammar School
"Got an A*, Thanks!"
Thank you so much for your videos! I did my final exam in March and I got an A*, 118/120! I also got a A in unit one and an A* in unit 2 which means I'm A* overall. I also sent your videos to my friend an she got a B! Thank you for the help :-)
"Thank you for helping"
Hello, I just wanted to say a big thankyou for putting up the AQA GCSE Maths videos to help me revise and practise questions and helping me getting an A overall in Maths :-) I'm sooo grateful. THANKYOUU!
"Explain concepts well"
Dear Hegartymaths, I am very delighted I witnessed your videos before my FP1 exam. I think you videos are great and you can explain concepts really well, and you make it so easy.
"Wall of honour"
Dear Mr Hegarty, thank you so much for your maths videos !!! I have shown my further-maths class - especially decision videos) and we have added you to are wall of honour. As someone who is 24 and having to resit GCSE Maths for a job opportunity I have to say that your videos are the best resource I have found by an absolute mile. Clear, concise and to the point. Thanks
Mature Student
"Extremely helpful"
Hello! As a mature student who left school with an E in Maths, currently about to sit the higher exam for all 3 units with AQA, I can't state how much your videos have helped me. Extremely helpful with very clear and precise explanations; I can't thank you enough. I only wish I had found your videos sooner. Fingers crossed I can get the grade I want so I can perhaps be brave/foolish enough to enrol on the A Levels Mathematics course. Again, thank you!
Mature Student
"Easy to listen to"
Hi Mr Hegarty, thanks you for such a wonderful and easy to listen maths videos lectures. firstly I should say i am hopeless in maths and very scared of the subject but watching your videos makes me become more interested. i'm a 36 year old man that would like to start over again and looking to learn some maths with the intention of doing HNC in civil engineering and I thank you for your videos which have greatly helped.
Mature Student
"A godsend"
Hello, As a parent stuck out in Germany, you are a Godsend. Thank you!
"Thank you so much!"
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you so much! I´m studying in Munich at Technische Universität München and we have a lecture it is called Management Science our professor didn´t tell us about a pattern like this with Dijkstra’s Algorithm I wonder why. Kind regards from Germany
Mature Student
Hi Mr H. Just wanted to say thanks for the great videos. I am a mature student with a degree and chose to do Maths again because I always wanted an A grade for my GCSE Maths which has needled me for years
"Hi there, Excellent!"
'Hi there', I'm a big fan of your videos and have used them a lot as I taught D1 for the first time this year. I've found them all excellent, and have passed on links for revision to many of my students. Would love to be kept up to date with what is happening. Think the channel is really good and have suggested A-Level students use it before, but looks like more is on its way! Thanks.
"Useful Website"
First of all may I congratulate you on a very useful site. I teach GCSE Maths to adults for Hounslow adult ed. The great majority of our students do AQA Foundation Level but last year someone who did Higher said that he found your videos - particularly the model exam answers - extremely helpful. Many thanks.
"Wonderful work"
Dear Hegartymaths, I already follow you on twitter and am aware of the wonderful work you are doing. Please keep me updated via email also in case I miss something on twitter. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
"Giving us hope"
“@TaylorHousen: @CarlaBaahxx LOOOOL no way! thanks to this man it may actually be possible for me to get this A” @hegartymaths giving us hope
"Saved my GCSE"
@hegartymaths you've saved my gcse I think
"Life saver"
@hegartymaths Hegarty maths has saved my life <3 @CarlaBaahxx
"I can do it"
"VLE worthy resources"
@hegartymaths In the process of linking some to our VLE at the moment. Great resource for pupils when out of school #mathscpdchat
tutor2u_graham @ASTsupportAAli Mr Hegarty & Arnold are awesome at flipping the classroom @hegartymaths @Mrarnoldsmaths
"Great work!"
@hegartymaths one of my colleague is trying to teach himself A-level maths & loving your help. Great work!
"Maybe A/A*!"
@hegartymaths you are such a life saver Mr. H; if I get an A/A* in my exam it's due to you! #lastminuterevision
When people ask me to recommend a GCSE maths tutor, I just recommend @hegartymaths youtube channel! #moneysavingexpert
"Massive improvements"
Absolutely true ive witnessed a student who was bottom of the class reach the top quartile- thanks @hegartymaths for your help
"Trying to flip my classroom"
For you, @hegartymaths I will share revision clips like yours with my students...trying to flip my classroom <3
"Honestly, so good"
@MariannaO1 mr hegarty videos on youtube, sooooo good honestly!!
I'm not normally one for a #FF, but this week I'm giving one to @hegartymaths -a BRILLZ #Maths teacher using social media to help kids learn
Mature Student
"Great for revision!"
My year 11 gcse maths students raved about @hegartymaths. Said was great for revision. Thanks great tool for students
"Fully confident"
@hegartymaths Watched every single video to do with unit 3 maths, fully confident now!
Famous People

"Great things"
I’m hearing great things about maths teacher @hegartymaths after this morning’s maths GCSE, hope it went well if you’ve just taken it! #FF